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A package that provides functions for building Shiny dashboard applications to explore and visualise layers (tables) in GeoPackages. It focuses on providing tools for quick analysis of data collected in-the-field using the QField mobile GIS application and stored in GeoPackages in QFieldCloud.

A pre-built Shiny application is provided with this package which uses these functions and provides tools for:

  • Exploring GeoPackage layers in interactive tables, web maps, and charts.
  • Customising and styling charts and web maps.
  • Combining layers using spatial and non-spatial joins.
  • Generating summary tables through group-by and summarise operations.
  • Generating new layers and add new columns to existing layers.
  • Authenticated access to GeoPackages stored in QFieldCloud.

This package was developed as part of the Livelihoods and Landscapes project which is developing tools and approaches to map diverse agricultural landscapes.


Local R Package

Clone the maplandscape repo:

git clone

Move into the maplandscape directory:

cd maplandscape

maplandscape requires an instance of PostGIS. Deploy a local PostGIS instance using docker:

cd inst/postgis
docker compose up -d

Make sure the PostGIS configuration in inst/app/config matches what is specified in the docker-compose.yml file.

Move the root of the maplandscape repo. Launch the app:

cd ../..

Docker and deploy to the cloud

You can also deploy maplandscape to the cloud using Shiny Proxy, docker, and docker swarm by following the instructions here.