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Designed to be used within Shiny applications. Allows a user to specify conditions (using R or dplyr syntax) to filter rows from a data frame or spatial (sf) data frame. This function uses dplyr's filter to conditionally subset rows.


filter_rows(filter_df, filter_conditions)



data frame or spatial (sf) data frame to apply condition and filter rows from.


a single element character vector specifying conditions used to subset rows from filter_df. Conditions should be specified in R or dplyr syntax (e.g. column_1 == "xyz" will filter all rows from filter_df where column_1 has a value of "xyz").


a data frame or spatial (sf) data frame containing the records filtered from filter_df.

Example filter conditions

The following are example operations that can used to test conditions to filter rows from a data frame:

* ==, >, >=,

* &, |, !,


See filter for more information and examples on filtering rows from a data frame.