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sync_forms syncs layers stored in GeoPackages to a template GeoPackage database or the initial "clean" QGS project GeoPackage.


sync_forms(template, forms)



A data frame of the format returned by shiny's fileInput. This data frame stores the path of a single GeoPackage which can either be a central database that data collected in the field is synced to or a "clean" empty GeoPackage with the same layers as the uploaded forms.


A data frame of the format returned by shiny's fileInput.


A four element list out_gpkg, The first element is the path to a temporary GeoPackage storing data from forms synced with template. The second element is the date-time of the call to

sync_forms - this is used for naming downloads of synced data. The third element is a data frame of the format returned by shiny's fileInput listing all layers returned from syncing

forms with template. The fourth element is a path to a log file.